Five simple ingredients - cream, vanilla, salt, eggs and sugar - make for an exquisitely rich and elegant dessert. Most crème brûlée recipes require...
Simon Hopkinson is a first-rate pleaser, a chef who was never after recognition but one who wanted to produce terrific food his customers would love. He's...
This creamy pudding, thickened with cornstarch and egg yolks and stirred together on the stove, is as homey as it gets. Spiking the mixture with a little...
The recipe for this Indian dessert comes from the North Carolina chef Cheetie Kumar, and it instantly transports her to her mother's kitchen around Diwali,...
Pudding cakes are magical sweets, baking up into two distinct layers from a single, straightforward batter. On top is an airy sponge cake that puffs in...
This is restaurant-grade pudding you can make at home. It's dense yet buoyant with a profound chocolate flavor thanks to the use of bittersweet and unsweetened...
Rice pudding prepared in an electric pressure cooker is both speedy and simple - the kind of thing you can whip up in minutes in between other kitchen...
You could use a combination of berries (raspberries, blueberries and blackberries in equal parts) in this crisp, but it especially sings with just blackberries....
When it comes to pawpaw, accept no substitutes. Trust us; we tried. We went to a bunch of experts - scholars who specialize in fruit, plus chefs and cookbook...
This crowd-pleasing Southern dessert created by layering vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers and bananas is adapted from Millie Peartree, the owner of Millie...
This light and airy mousse is just the thing when you want the flavor, but not the heft, of pumpkin pie. We think it's an elegant end to a hearty autumn...
Using a microwave to cook lemon curd streamlines the entire process, and eliminates the need to stand over the stove whisking constantly. The result is...
This cozy dessert from Sara Mardanbigi and Edgar Rico, the owners of Nixta Taqueria in Austin, Texas, is a take on sholeh zard, a loose, heavily spiced...
Ultracreamy but still ethereally light, these individual custards are set with lemon juice rather than eggs, cornstarch or gelatin. They are thick and...
Constructed from layers of soft, spongy sliced bread and tons of juicy, just-cooked fruit, this British dessert gets an update with a layer of barely sweetened...
One of the most wonderful ways to celebrate fresh (and, in this case, even frozen) fruit, clafoutis originated in the Limousin region of France. Here,...
Based on a traditional British pudding called posset, these ultrasilky custards set without the need for cornstarch, eggs or gelatin. (The acidity in the...
This smooth, satisfying pudding recipe served at Franklin Delano Roosevelt's White House originally called for leaving the prunes in water overnight. But...
This butterscotch budino from the pastry chef Dahlia Narvaez is a pudding to shame all other puddings. The budino's simple master stroke? Over the pudding...
A splash of bourbon and a generous grating of fresh nutmeg transform this simple custard into a holiday sensation. Make the custard in advance, but wait...
Whipping up this dessert may be the wisest decision you'll make in the summer: It comes together quickly and uses only five ingredients. Mashed juicy berries...
A bottle of workmanlike Scotch or other whiskey can be as useful in the kitchen as it is on the bar, contributing alcohol and flavor to a range of recipes....
Sweet potato pone is a baked custard pudding-like dish that's something like a crustless sweet potato pie. This version is made with whole shreds of sweet...
The journalist and cookbook author Von Diaz cooked her way through the classic Puerto Rican cookbook, Cocina Criolla, about six years ago, eventually using...
All the textbooks say the same thing: cooking granulated sugar until it turns into caramel involves complex chemistry. And I'm sure they are right. But...
Rich and creamy with a hit of floral cardamom, these puddings are a perfect make-ahead dessert. For the most flavor, make sure to break open the cardamom...
Anyone looking to try one's hand at playing around with a recipe can't do better than to start with rice pudding. I began making rice pudding with our...
You can look at this as chocolate mousse stiffened by caramel or as a perfect caramel enriched by chocolate. Either way it is so rich, thick, gooey and...
This traditional Iberian flan, is now sometimes called "Flan a la Antigua," or Flan of the Past. That's because it doesn't include the common New World...
A gelatin salad, or Jell-O mold, may seem retro, but when you make one from scratch, substituting fresh juice and fruit in place of artificial flavoring...
You may know it as chocolate delight or chocolate lush, but while this dessert has many names, the recipe rarely varies. Traditionally, it starts with...
Freda DeKnight introduced many signature dishes to Ebony magazine in the mid-20th century. One was her rose petal pudding, which was beloved by Ebony staffers...
Always elegant, chocolate mousse is not at all difficult to make, and it can be prepared up to two days in advance. A classic chocolate mousse gets its...
This easy stovetop pudding is smooth, rich and tangy, just like your favorite cheesecake - but it's far faster (under an hour), far easier (no fussy water...
The classic Italian panna cotta - cooked cream - is a pure white custard set with gelatin instead of eggs or starch. It can be prepared up to 2 days in...
Pastel de tres leches, a traditional Latin American dessert, consists of a basic sponge cake doused in three types of milk: condensed, evaporated and whole...
There are two secrets to this silky, not-too-sweet pudding, a Jamaican holiday staple from Hazel Craig, the mother of the pastry chef Jessica Craig: Freshly...
This custard, a mix of French and Chinese techniques and tastes, comes from the New York pastry chef Daniel Skurnick. Because Mr. Skurnick is responsible...
This dairy-free version of lemon curd is lighter than more traditional, butter-enriched versions, but is just as tart and creamy. The olive oil gives it...
Shrikhand is a creamy yogurt-based dessert from western India made simply by straining yogurt and sweetening it. The yogurt is traditionally strained by...
Diplomat cream is the professional baker's tool for pastry cream that won't collapse and turn watery. It uses both cornstarch and gelatin for the reliable...
A classic, old-fashioned chocolate pudding, this dessert is made a bit more interesting by layering with whipped sour cream (for a little tang) and crushed...
Dense and very creamy, this dark chocolate mousse has pockets of sesame tahini swirled through it, weaving a nutty flavor into the bittersweet. The candied...
Flour helva, a thick, sweet pudding that tastes of warm, toasted flour and browned butter, is both a ceremonial and everyday dish in Turkey. It's essential...
This delicate Ottoman milk pudding has a burned bottom layer that adds a toasted-marshmallow, caramel-like flavor reminiscent of crème brûlée. The pudding...
Five simple ingredients - cream, vanilla, salt, eggs and sugar - make for an exquisitely rich and elegant dessert. Most crème brûlée recipes require...
This recipe for arroz con leche came to us from Veronica Garcia of Houston. The original came from her maternal grandmother, but Ms. Garcia has since made...
"Simple ingredients made super special" could not be more true of these lemon possets, which are well worth the effort for their perfect combination of...
All the textbooks say the same thing: cooking granulated sugar until it turns into caramel involves complex chemistry. And I'm sure they are right. But...